Protection for Victims

Immigration laws are complicated and complex.  Fortunately there are solid protections for individuals who have been victimized.  These protections include the U visa, T visa, and the VAWA set of protections.

U Visa

U non immigrant status is available for victims of certain crimes.  This legal status lasts four years and permits the victim to obtain a work permit and be in the U.S. legally.  During the third year of having U status the person can apply to become a permanent resident of the U.S.  Under some circumstances even family members of the victim can obtain U status.

T Visa

The T visa is for victims of human trafficking.  While this is usually thought of for people victimized by heinous trafficking crimes it is also available for victims who are brought to the U.S. and forced to work.


The Violence Against Women’s Act is the only option listed on this page that leads directly to permanent residence.  The victim must have been married to the abuser at the time of abuse and the abuser must have been either a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of the U.S.  This area of the law recognizes the power an abuser has to threaten non cooperation with obtaining the victim’s legal status and Congress responded by protecting such victims by providing an avenue to legal residency after an abuse occurs.